
RESTful Web Services 中文版 读书摘要 第二章

服务器应该是理想主义的;客户端必须是实用主义的——这是 Postel 法则“严以律己,宽以待人”的一个变形。
Servers should be idealistic; clients must be pragmatic. This is a variant of Postel’s Law: “Be conservative in what you do; be liberal in which you accept from others.”

JSON 适用于表达数据结构;而 Web 提供的主要是文档——一种不规则的、自描述的、相互链接的数据结构。XML 和 HTML 专门用于表达文档。
JSON is good for representing data structures in general, and the Web mainly serves documents: irregular, self-describing data structures that link to each other. XML and HTML are specialized for representing documents.
